Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119 v 105
Lesson Aim
To understand that God directs us throughout our lives.
Hook: Compass, needle, magnet, piece of card, bowl of water.
Show a compass and ask the children to point to North, then in other directions.
Ask the children if they know which people use a compass. Explain how sailors in the middle of the ocean would use a compass to point them in the correct direction or send them on to the correct route.
Tell the children that you are going to make a compass (if possible some of the children could make one as well). First take a sewing needle and stroke a magnet eight to ten times down the length of the needle, taking care not to go in the wrong direction. Then sellotape the needle to a thin piece of card cut into a circle. Float the card on a bowl of water. The needle should turn until it is pointing north / south. Then test the needle using a compass. (You might want to try this out before giving the talk).
Explain how we made a compass to direct us in life. The Bible, God’s word, is like a compass or like a light. It directs us in our lives, telling us which way to go. It shows us how to follow God and how to live our lives in His way.