Exodus 20 v 1 – 21
Lesson Aim
To understand that God gave his law to his people to help them live holy lives.
Hook 1: Two slates
Get two roofing slates (from any builder’s merchants) and write on them the numbers 1 – 10. Alternatively type out the Commandments in children’s language (use a children’s Bible) and stick them to the slates.
Hook 2: Numbers 1 – 10
Print out each of the Ten Commandments on an A4 sheet and cover them with other sheets on which are printed the numbers 1 – 10. Get a child to reveal each Commandment as you tell the story.
Using PowerPoint as an alternative, each of the commands can be covered and revealed at the appropriate point.
Hook 3: Post-its
Give a post-it to each child and tell them to imagine that they are to be Prime Minister for a day. What law would they pass? Write it on the post-it and bring them out to the fix on a large sheet of paper. Go through some of them and there will probably be a fit between many of them and the Ten Commandments.
Hook 4: Questions
What would happen if drivers didn’t stop at red traffic lights? (You might display a picture of a traffic light). Would the world be a safer place without traffic laws?
What would happen if everybody could carry a gun and shoot any person they didn’t like? (Use a toy gun to shoot some of the children). Would people feel safer without laws about guns?
In today’s story God gave his people laws to teach them how to live their lives.
God gave his laws to guide people as to how they should worship him and live their lives. Do we keep his laws? If we really love God we would want to keep his laws.