Exodus 25 – 30
Lesson Aim
To understand that the Tabernacle was a place where the Israelites could worship God.
Hook 1: Photographs of different church activities / meetings
Ask the children to identify the activity, what happens there and where it takes place. Have a wide selection of pictures e.g. church camp, Toddler group, church day out and Sunday worship. You might need to have the answers already written out and get the children to match them to the pictures. Explain that the purpose of the groups is to worship God or to tell others about God’s love. The Israelites also needed somewhere to worship God. You might display a picture of the tabernacle as part of your conclusion.
Hook 2: Church website relayed through a digital projector
You will need an internet link for this. Explore through the website stopping at different picture and explain the function of the different groups. Finally show the church meeting together to worship God. Relate this to the building of the Tabernacle. If possible get some of the children to do the surfing.
You might display a picture of the tabernacle as part of your conclusion.
Hook 3: Photographs of your church building being built.
When was it built? Who built it? Why was it built? What happened when it was completed?
Hook 4: Questions
Where do we worship God? Do you ever worship God at home? Do you ever pray at school? Do you ever come to church to worship God? Today’s story is all about the special place where God wanted his people to worship him.
Story tips
There is so much detail in the building of the Tabernacle that you have to be careful to select parts which the children can understand and parts which are relevant to them.
The Israelites came together to worship God in the Tabernacle and it is good for us to come to church to worship God together.