Numbers 21 v 4 – 9
Lesson Aim
To understand that people are saved by trusting in Jesus.
Hook 1: Plastic snake
Use a plastic snake (purchased from any good toy shop) make a hissing sound and pretend to bite the children with the snake. Later in the story attach the snake to a pole with an elastic band.
Hook 2: Real snake
Ask around. It is amazing how many people do keep real snakes as pets. Ask the owner to bring in their snake. A live snake really adds to the impact of the story. Ask the children whether they are prepared to touch the snake but reassure them that it is not poisonous (presuming that it is a non-poisonous variety!)
Hook 3: A snakeskin
People who keep snakes often keep skins which snakes shed each year. Show one to the children and ask them what it is.
Hook 4: Paper snakes
Scatter paper snakes on the floor. Ideally these would be cut out of green paper and there would be as many as possible. Later in the story have an outline of the bronze snake on the pole and some pieces of gold foil paper cut into 3cm squares. The children could stick the gold foil paper onto the snake.
Gold foil paper is available from any good stationers or craft shop.
Hook 5: Live snakes
Show a short video clip of snakes in their natural environment.
Hook 6: Questions
Who likes snakes? Who thinks that snakes are horrible? Who thinks that they are slimy and that they could bite you with their long, sharp teeth? Our Bible story today is all about snakes.
The Israelites had to look up to the bronze snake to be healed. People today need to look to Jesus, that is trust in Jesus to be forgiven of their sins. The parallel of the snake being lifted up and Jesus being crucified (John 3 v 14 & 15) should be explained.