Numbers 13 v 1 – 14 v 38
Lesson Aim
To understand that with God’s help impossible things can be achieved.
Hook 1: Pictures hidden around the room
Send the children to find hidden pictures. There should be 10 pictures of giants (men in armour) and two pictures of bunches of grapes. Relate their finds to the spies.
Hook 2: Quiz
Have 12 pictures covered (ten of giants and two of grapes). Tell the story in the form of a quiz. Children uncover the pictures after giving a correct answer. If they reveal a giant have all the children give a boo and a cheer for a bunch of grapes. This can be done on PowerPoint or using hard copies.
Hook 3: Game
Have one child at the front with a picture (of grapes or giants) stuck to their back. The other children are spies and have to creep up and steal the picture. At any point the child can turn round and if they see someone moving that person is out of the game.
Hook 4: Questions
Have you ever wanted to be a spy? Have you wanted to go on secret mission? Have you wanted to spy out another country and find out their secrets?
Today’s Bible story is all about spies.
Only two of the spies believed that God’s help was sufficient to achieve the seemingly impossible. Today we still have to trust in God’s help. He will achieve great things and we need to put our faith in him.
Moan and Groan Signs
The ‘moan‘ and ‘groan’ signs (see Crossing the Red Sea) can be used with each story of the Exodus. They are a good way of illustrating the response of the Israelites throughout their desert journey. Children will enjoy holding the signs up each week.