1 Samuel 26
Lesson Aim
To understand that David respected God’s choice of Saul as king.
Hook 1: Game
Play a game where one child lies down pretending to be Saul asleep. The other children have to creep up to Saul and try to steal his water jug and spear. Saul occasionally looks up and any child caught moving is out of the game.
Hook 2: Acting
This is a very easy scene to act out with Saul sleeping and two people creeping up to Saul to take his water jug and spear.
Hook 3: Shoes
Have a leader sit down on a chair facing the children. Ask this leader some questions about themselves. At the same time another leader should creep up behind the seated leader and make funny faces about what they are saying. Prep Leader 1 not to turn round or give any indication he knows someone is behind him. Relate this to Saul being asleep when David crept up on him.
Hook 4: Questions
Have you ever crept up on someone in secret without them realising? Perhaps you tied their shoes together. Perhaps they were asleep and you made them look funny or you stole their shoes. Sometimes things like this really happened as we’ll find out in today’s Bible story.
David had several chances to kill Saul but David did not kill him because he recognised Saul as the person that God had appointed king over Israel.