1 Kings 17 v 17 – 24
Lesson Aim
To understand that God has power over life and death.
Hook 1: Medicines
Show children common medicines and ask what they are for. We don’t know if this boy was given any medicines but he grew more and more ill until he finally stopped breathing.
Hook 2: First Aid Kit
What do you do if you are poorly?
Get a first aid kit, and apply some bandages to one or several of the children. Then refer to the child in the story.
Hook 3: A doctor
Say that you are poorly. Get a doctor to come and give you a check-up. Get the doctor to listen to your heart etc. and then pronounce that you are dying. (If you can’t get a real doctor get someone to act the part). This needs to be done in a humorous way so it doesn’t upset the children.
Hook 4: Questions
What is it like to feel really ill? Have you ever felt so ill that you thought that you might be dying? Have you ever had to go to hospital because you were so ill?
In our Bible story today one boy was really, really ill.
How did Elijah manage to make the boy alive again? Elijah did it because God heard him when he prayed and God performed a miracle. When a person trusts in Jesus, God gives them new life.