1 Kings 18 v 16 – 46
Lesson Aim
To understand that there is only one God.
Hook 1: Competition
Get two adults to have a tug of war competition. This is to see who is the most powerful. Get the children to shout for the person that they think is the strongest and most powerful. Introduce the story by saying that there was a contest to see which god was most powerful.
Hook 2: Picture
Have you ever seen a contest between two champions?
Cut out some pieces of paper to look like stones, wood, the sacrificed animal, water jugs and flames. (Have enough pieces to build two altars, the water jugs and flames only go on the second picture).
You or the children could stick these onto a background during the telling of the story.
Hook 3: Quiz
Have all the pieces cut out for the two sacrifices (see Hook 2). As the teams answer questions they build up their altar. The first team to get all the pieces gets the fire stuck on theirs. (Don’t call the teams after Baal and Elijah).
Hook 4: Questions
Have you ever come first in a competition? What did you win? Did you win by yourself or did someone help you? Our story from the Bible is all about a competition.
There are many people in the world who worship different gods, but there is only one true God. God wants us to have faith to believe that he is all powerful and to worship him.
Altar = a place where a special gift is given to God