1 Kings 19 v 19 – 21
Lesson Aim
To understand that Elisha left everything when he became Elijah’s attendant.
Hook 1: People
Get 2 or 3 people who have been called to full time Christian work, preferably ones the children know. Ask them what God wanted them to do and what they had to give up to be able to do work for God.
Note – keep each interview very short.
Hook 2: Acting
Have you ever been to a farm and seen animals there?
Get two people to mime the parts of Elisha and Elijah during the telling of the story. Elijah needs a cloak or a coat.
Hook 3: TV interview
Pretend to be a TV interviewer. You will need an imitation microphone and a box for a cameraman. Dress Elisha up, wearing Elijah’s cloak and interview him. Rehearse the questions and answers to ensure coverage of the whole story, and include the application!
Hook 4: Cows
If you have cows nearby take the children out to them when explaining that Elisha was ploughing. They are a real life visual and, yes, I have used them in this way.
Hook 5: Questions
Have you ever seen a farmer with his cows? Perhaps you have seen a farmer on a tractor ploughing his field. Our Bible story today is about a farmer who was ploughing his field with his cows.
Following Jesus means putting him as number one in our lives. When we follow Jesus we are saying that we are willing, if he asks us, to give up everything for him.
Change the word ‘oxen’ to ‘cows’