2 Kings 4 v 1 – 7
Lesson Aim
To understand that God provides when we ask him for help and obey what he tells us to do.
Hook 1 – For sale signs
Ask for two boy volunteers and put signs reading ‘For Sale’ around their necks. Ask if anyone wants to make a bid to purchase them. (Prime two leaders to make some competitive bids for the children.) At the end of the story, take the ‘For Sale’ signs off the boys and put them on the jars of oil.
Hook 2 – Jars
Collect as many plastic tubs as possible (any and every size). Hide these around the room and get some of the younger children to find as many as possible.
NB Children should not carry glass jars. Always use plastic tubs or paper cups.
Hook 3 – Testimonies
Get some people to talk about how God has provided for them in the past week. At the end of the story get each child to write something that God has provided or the help he has given people during the week. These can be collected in a large jar and prayed about as the conclusion to the story.
Hook 4: Questions
When you have a big, big problem who do you ask for help? Make a list of the people mentioned. Our Bible story today is about a lady who had to ask for help.
God provides help and support when we are in need, so we should turn to God and ask him for help when we have difficulties.