2 Kings 7 v 1 – 16
Lesson Aim
To show how God rescued a city.
Hook 1: Sounds
Play a recording of some sounds. The children should listen with their eyes closed then try to identify each sound. End with the sound of a group of people walking or running. Explain that the soldiers in today’s story heard this sound and mistook it for an army coming against them.
Hook 2: Pictures
Use pictures to illustrate these points in the story. Food with expensive price tags, the prophet’s words (written out), a city under attack, soldiers running, city gates open, the same food with lower price tags.
Hook 3: Questions
Have you ever seen a film of soldiers fighting a war. Have you seen pictures of soldiers long ago attacking a city which had a strong wall around it?
In today’s story from the Bible an army was outside a city wall.
God ‘s word came about just as God’s prophet said i.e. food went back to its normal price the next day.