Daniel 6
Lesson Aim
To understand that God cares for his faithful people.
Hook 1: Pictures
As you tell the story, use these pictures as illustrations:- a window, praying hands, Jerusalem, number 3, lions and a king’s seal.
Hook 2: Objects
If you have a lion soft toy use it to represent the lions’ den. You could also use handcuffs to tie Daniel up, a ring, some Blu-tack and a large stone to represent the sealing of the stone above the lions’ den.
Hook 3: Animal noises
Have some recorded noises of different animals which you could play and have the children identify. The last animal should be a lion roaring. Discuss how fierce and deadly it sounds.
Hook 4: People
You might have an example of a person in your church who has suffered for their faith. Do a short interview about what they suffered for their faith in God (only 2 or 3 minutes long).
Hook 5: Questions
Have you ever been to a zoo? Make the noise of an animal which you saw at the zoo and we’ll guess its name. End with a lion noise.
Story Tips:
If you are interviewing someone, prepare the questions with the interviewee beforehand and remember to keep the interview short and to the point. You might sing an action song between the interview and story to break things up for the children.
Explain how Daniel was faithful to God, even when he knew that people around him were plotting against him. God protected Daniel in situations which we could never even dream of and God protects his people today.