Nehemiah 1 – 2
Lesson Aim
To understand that God gives difficult tasks to his people to perform.
Hook 1: Lego
Make a small city using Lego bricks. The walls of the city should be only half built. For the buildings inside the city attach some stickers on to bricks with doors and windows drawn on to the stickers. If possible have some half built doors to the city and use a Lego person to journey round the walls inspecting them.
Hook 2: Objects
Use these objects to illustrate the story:- a crown a goblet (Nehemiah was the king’s cupbearer), a letter from the king giving Nehemiah safe conduct, permission to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and timber resources. When you reach the part of the story where Nehemiah inspects the city walls at night, if possible turn off most of the lights and inspect the walls of the room you are in. As you journey round the room give comments like ‘This wall is in terrible condition , it has nearly all fallen down’ or ‘There are no gates in this doorway’.
Hook 3: Questions
What was the worst news which you ever received? Did you sit and cry after hearing it? Our story today is about a man who broke down and cried after hearing terrible news.
What was the most difficult job that you were ever given? Did people believe that you could achieve it? Did people think that you would fail? How did you feel when people were against you?
Story tips
It is important to explain that in the past cities had defensive walls which were considered to be a very important part of the city’s infrastructure.
Nehemiah was called by God to lead his people in the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. God still gives his people enormous tasks to fulfil but like Nehemiah we can know God’s support and help when we are doing his will.