Nehemiah 3 – 6, 12 v 27 – 43
Lesson Aim
To understand that God gives success through difficult tasks and should be thanked by his people.
Hook 1: Lego
Use the Lego brick city from Nehemiah part 1 and get the children to complete the walls. Illustrate the dedication of the walls by having two groups of toy people (paper models will do) which start at the same point both groups move around the walls till they meet up and go in to the city to the temple.
Hook 2: Objects
Use these objects to illustrate the story:- a sword, a letter ordering them to stop building, a trowel other building equipment, a horn (to act as a trumpet) and some Christian music giving thanks to God.
Hook 3: Choirs
After telling the story of the rebuilding of the walls act out the dedication of the walls. Divide the children into two groups and walk around the room singing a thankful chorus. Use tables set out in a square to represent the city of Jerusalem.
Hook 4: Questions
Have people ever made fun of you while you were doing an important job? Have people ever tried to stop you when you were doing some work? How did you feel did they make you want to give up or did they make you more determined to finish? Nehemiah faced many difficulties like this in today’s story.
Story tips
1. As was pointed out in part 1 children must understand that cities in the past had defensive walls which were considered to be a very important part of the city’s infrastructure.
2. The story of Nehemiah does not finish with the walls being completed. The walls were dedicated to God as an act of thanksgiving.
Nehemiah completed God’s work by rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. After achieving great things for God we should thank God for his help and support.