Acts 19 v 17 – 41
Lesson Aim
To understand that God cannot be made by people.
Hook 1: Scrolls and a bonfire
Make a paper scroll which can be placed onto a bonfire. The bonfire could be made from a pile of old books (if needed the covers could be removed). Do not light the bonfire but pretend to do so. Flames of coloured paper could be added to make it appear on fire.
You could use horoscope pages from newspapers and magazines if you wish to emphasise the types of scrolls burned.
Hook 2: Model of Diana or Artemis
Download a picture of Diana from the internet or make a small model from air drying clay, Blu tack or Play-doh. Air drying clay could be used and painted silver to add to its impact.
Hook 3: Chanting
At the point in the story where the riot takes place, a group of leaders could all rush to the front chanting ‘Great is Diana of the Ephesians’. I suggest leaders and not all of the children unless you have good control, control enough to stop them when you wish to continue the story. Discuss the need to settle the children with the other leaders beforehand.
Hook 4: Questions
Who went to a bonfire to celebrate Bonfire Night? What sort of things did they burn?
In today’s Bible story people made a bonfire to burn some very valuable things. Let’s find out what happened.
The silversmiths in Ephesus were upset because they made copies of their god Diana. These copies were just pieces of silver, not gods. No-one can make a real god. God made people. People cannot make God.