Acts 28 v 11 – 31
Lesson Aim
To understand that even at the end of his life Paul was still serving God.
Hook 1: True or false
Have a series of statements written up about Paul’s time in Rome. The children can Blu tack these onto a board.
Hook 2: Reporter interviewing and filming Paul (as in a TV news report)
When you tell the story of Paul’s arrival in Rome, ask one of the leaders (preferably one who always wears glasses) to play the part of Paul. Handcuff and position a guard next to him. You are the “reporter” (with a “microphone”). Then get someone to “film” Paul and listen to him tell the guard about trusting in Jesus. The reporter then speaks to the camera about how Paul evangelised while he was being guarded. Switch to filming Paul and have Christians visit him, listen to his encouraging words. The next time you film Paul, he should be dictating letters to Christians and churches (have a pile of envelopes addressed to the churches). Speak to camera explaining how these letters became part of our Bible.
Finally explain that we do not know how and when he died but we do know that he spent his life after becoming a Christian doing the work of Jesus his saviour.
Hook 3: Questions
Have you ever listened to a story but have missed the ending? How did you feel? Did you make up your own ending? We do not know the final ending to today’s Bible story and many people have tried to guess how it ends.
Even at the very end of his life Paul was serving God. In Rome he told others about giving their lives to Jesus, encouraged Christians and wrote letters to churches encouraging people in their faith.