John 2 v 1 – 11
Lesson Aim
To understand that Jesus was someone very special.
Hook 1: Wedding objects
Show the children a variety of wedding objects in turn and discuss with them how they are used at a wedding e.g. confetti, a veil, a camera, wedding invitation, photo of a bride and groom
Hook 2: Jugs, glass tumbler, concentrated blackcurrant juice
When it comes to the miracle pour water from a clear jug into an opaque jug. The second jug should contain some concentrated blackcurrant juice which will turn the water into ‘wine’ when it is poured out. This time pour it into a glass tumbler.
Hook 3: Questions
Have you ever been to a wedding? What exciting things happened at the wedding. In today’s story we are going to hear about some exciting events.
Story tips:
Do not do the trick with blackcurrant juice too near the children or they will smell the blackcurrant juice. If they do say that it is blackcurrant juice, have your answer ready. You had to use blackcurrant juice so that they could see what happened. Jesus however really did turn water into wine. He performed a miracle which every person there knew had happened when they tasted it.
This was the first miracle which Jesus performed and it shows us that he was someone very special. Jesus was not a normal person, he was the Son of God and that is why he could perform miracles.