Luke 8 v 40 – 56
Lesson Aim
To understand that Jesus has power over life and death
Hook 1: Greeting cards
Have a series of different greetings cards which can be opened at the appropriate part of the story. At the introduction show a girl’s birthday card saying 12 years old. When Jairus asks Jesus for help show a get well card. When the servant arrives show a sympathy card. After raising the girl show a thank you card (this should be addressed inside to Jesus for raising Jairus’ daughter).
If you are also telling the story of the woman with bleeding, Luke 8 v 43 – 48, then you could have another get well card and a second thank you card.
Hook 2: Child
It is always very effective when telling this story to relate the fact that it could have been a child their age. Have a child act out the part of Jairus’ daughter. Let her lay on a table at the front and pretend that she is very ill, and then that she has died.
If you are covering the story of the woman with bleeding, have a woman act out the part. You can always hang up a piece of fabric for her to touch as Jesus’ garment. If she is touching some fabric, then it is important that the children can see what is happening.
Hook 3: Questions
Have you ever known another child who was really, really ill? Perhaps they were in hospital. Perhaps they even died.
Our story today is about a girl who was 12 years old and she was very ill.
It is important to make clear that Jesus did not give the girl some special medicine or heal the girl by some magical power. Jesus healed her because he is the Son of God and he has power over life and death.