Luke 18 v 35 – 43
There are several different stories about Jesus healing the blind but the ideas outlined below can be adapted for any of these stories.
John 9, Mark 10 v 46 – 52 and Mark 8 v 22 – 26
Lesson Aim
To understand that Jesus performed miracles to encourage faith in God.
Hook 1: Blindfold
Blindfold a child or a leader and have another person lead them into the room. They could then sit on a chair and ask for help. At the end of the story they should thank God for their sight.
Hook 2: Game
If time allows at the beginning you could play a short game where two people are set challenges to achieve when blindfolded e.g. tie their shoelaces or pick certain objects out of a bag.
Hook 3: Questions
Have you ever met someone who is blind? What do you think it would be like never to see anything? Today’s story is about a blind man who was sat at the side of the road begging.
Hook 3: Braille
If you can obtain a page of braille or an object designed for a blind person e.g. a wristwatch then use it to introduce your story. Children are always fascinated by such objects
When Jesus healed the blind man, Jesus talked to him about his faith, his belief in God. Jesus had the power to heal this man’s eyes but he performed his miracle to help people believe in God. The man praised God when he received his sight. Do you believe in God and trust in God’s Son, Jesus?