Luke 14 v 15 – 24
Lesson Aim
To understand that people need to accept God’s invitation to eternal life in heaven.
Hook 1: Party Invitations
Prepare three party invitations. Give the invitations to a child to deliver. Each leader that they deliver an invitation to should have their reply prepared and should give their reply out loud to the messenger before they deliver the next invitation.
When the messenger is sent to bring in the poor, crippled, lame and blind, have a series of pictures , either on PowerPoint or hard copies showing other people who are invited to God’s feast. You might also include yourself or other Christians who will be recognisable to the children. In this way you can personally testify that you have accepted God’s invitation.
Hook 2: Good or bad excuses?
With older children you might want to consider the excuses given in the parable. After the invitations have been given out, display a written copy. Ask the children to consider the excuses. Were they valid reasons to refuse the invitation? Classify the excuses as either ‘Good reasons’ or ‘Bad reasons’.
Hook 3: Questions
Have you ever received a party invitation? How did it make you feel? Have you ever refused an invitation because you could not go or didn’t want to go? In our Bible story today, Jesus told a story about people who refused to attend a party.
Use ‘party’ instead of ‘feast’ or ‘banquet’.
In our story today, Jesus was teaching that God invites people to heaven. If they believe in Jesus, ask him to forgive them of their sins and trust in him as their Saviour they can go to heaven. People refused the invitations to a party. Will you refuse God’s invitation to eternal life in heaven?