Mark 10 v 17 – 31
Lesson Aim
To understand that money does not earn a person a place in heaven
Hook 1: Needle and thread, toy camel
Introduce a competition – The first person to thread a needle.
Warning: embed the point of the needle in a cork.
When you have a winner tell the story of the rich young ruler coming to Jesus, claiming to obey all of the commandments but being unwilling to part with his wealth. Then give the illustration of a camel going through a needle’s eye (show a toy camel or a picture of a camel next to a human), how impossible that is. Explain to the children how some people trust in money to get to heaven, others trust in good works and others think they are very important. Instead, people need to trust in Jesus.
Hook 2: Questions
What helps us get to heaven? A million pounds? Helping other people? Being born into the royal family? Being good?
All of these things are important but they will not get us to heaven. The man in today’s story trusted in his money.
Be clear that you explain that there is nothing wrong with money or good works. However, it is wrong to trust in them to gain a place in heaven.
We must not be like the man who trusted in his money. We must trust in Jesus. Money or being good will never get us to heaven because we have all done wrong things and broken God’s laws. We need to trust in Jesus to have our sins forgiven. Only then will God accept us into heaven.