John 12 v 1 – 11
Lesson Aim
To understand that it is right to give the best to Jesus
Hook 1: Sandals, perfume, wig
Have an empty chair (high up so that the children can see the person’s feet) and say that Jesus was visiting the house of Lazarus when a strange event happened. Say that so and so will come to help the children understand what happened. Have one of the leaders prepared to come to the front wearing sandals (no socks!). Then explain that Mary removed the sandals and poured perfume over Jesus’ feet, and then dried his feet with her hair. Unless you have long hair which you could use to illustrate this, put on a wig and dry the feet.
Continue to explain the reaction of Judas and his personal greed which he presented as a concern for the poor.
Hook 2: Questions
What is the strangest thing that you have ever seen?
Story tips:
Where ever possible I try not to have a person acting the part of Jesus, which is why I would say that somebody is coming to help us understand what happened. I try not to introduce somebody as Jesus.
Mary gave a very expensive gift to Jesus, the perfume. Judas wanted to sell the perfume and take the money for himself. Mary was right to give the best to Jesus while Judas was very selfish and wrong. Do we want to give our best to Jesus. The greatest gift which we can give is our hearts. We should give our love to Jesus and ask him to be the Saviour of our lives.