The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. Genesis 6 v 5
Lesson Aim
To understand that a person needs a new heart.
Hook: White lab coat, tools, black cardboard heart, red cardboard heart.
Have an ‘operating table’ and lay a volunteering child on the table. Take the child’s pulse, listen to the heart and diagnose that the child has a serious heart problem. Use different tools to pretend to open up the child’s chest then dramatically remove the child’s heart. The black heart should be held up and ask others what is wrong with the heart. It should have the word ‘sin’ written on the reverse.
Then place a new heart (red) into the patient and pretend to sew them up.
The more medical props which you can obtain for this talk the more successful it will be. Ask any medical friends whether you can borrow a white lab coat, stethoscope, blood pressure monitor etc. Even toy medical kits can be successfully used.
In conclusion you need to explain that every person has a heart given over to sin and that this will lead us to death. We need to have a new heart, a heart cleansed by the Lord Jesus. We can receive this new heart by confessing our sins to Jesus and by trusting in Jesus as our Lord and Saviour.