Mt 26 v 57 – 27 v 31, Mark 14 v 53 – 15 v 20, Lk 22 v 54 – 23 v 25, Jn 18 v 12 – 19 v 16
Lesson Aim
To understand the injustice of the trials of Jesus
Hook 1: Sign saying ‘A king’, bowl of water, names of Jesus and Barabbas
Begin the story where the Jewish leaders take Jesus before Pilate, accused of claiming to be a king. Show your sign and see whether the children can explain the different concepts of kingship (how Jesus was to be a heavenly king of people’s hearts).
For the part of the story about Barabbas, display the names of Barabbas and Jesus. Ask the question, who should be released Barabbas or Jesus? Have some leaders call out that Barabbas should be released and when asked about Jesus they should call out ‘Crucify him’. For the part when Pilate thought that Jesus was innocent but the Jewish leaders insisted upon his death, wash your hands and explain the significance.
Hook 2: Recording of a cockerel, name badge saying ‘Peter’
Have a leader at the front wearing the name badge of Peter. After introducing him get Peter to explain how at the Last Supper he had boasted that he would never betray Jesus. Pretend that the trial of Jesus is taking place in another part of the room while Peter warms himself up by a fire. Have a girl come up to Peter and accuse him of being a follower of Jesus. After Peter’s denial two other people should accuse him in turn and each time Peter denies knowing Jesus. Finally after the third denial the recording of a cockerel should be played loudly. Upon this signal Peter should break down into tears.
Have Peter explain to the children the significance of the crowing cockerel and how he had completely failed Jesus despite all of his boasting.
Hook 3: Crown of thorns and purple cloak
Make a crown of thorns, preferably from a bush that has real spikes.
After briefly talking about the trial, explain what happened afterwards. Show the crown with the spikes (do not place it on a child’s head) and a length of purple cloth to act as a cloak. Tell the story of how Jesus was mocked as a king, hit and spat upon. Then the choice offered to the crowd, Jesus or Barabbas. A second leader could be dressed up as Barabbas. Offer the two leaders for the children to choose and others should be prompted to begin shouting for Barabbas to be released.
Conclude by simply stating that Jesus was taken away to be crucified.
Story tip:
Do not try to cover all of the trials of Jesus, there is far too much detail. Be selective! Remember that quality is better than quantity and also remember the ages of your children and the length of their memory span.
The children should understand that nothing could be found to convict Jesus. He was innocent of all charges but was sentenced to be crucified.