Mt 27 v 32 – 56 Mk 15 v 21 – 41 Lk 23 v 26 – 49 Jn 19 v 17 – 37
Lesson Aim
To understand why Jesus had to be crucified
Hook 1: Two pieces of 2” x 2” wood and three 6” nails
Each piece of wood needs to be 12” (30cm) long. Drill three pilot holes into the wood to prevent it from splitting. Two holes in one piece of wood and one hole in the other piece.
As you start to tell the story of the crucifixion and tell of how Jesus was nailed to the cross, begin to hammer one of the nails into the wood. Each time you cover another aspect of the story hammer the nails further into the wood.
When you reach the conclusion of the story take the third nail and tell the children how it was for your sins and their sins that Jesus died.
Hook 2: A cardboard shaped cross, Post-it notes
Have 20 – 30 Post-it notes with different sins written on each one e.g. speeding when driving, telling lies, stealing from work.
As you tell the story of the crucifixion keep stopping after each sentence and place a post-it on the cross. Read out what is written on the Post-it but do not otherwise refer to it. When you have finished the story explain that all of the post-its are just some of the sins which you have committed and that it was because of people’s sins that Jesus had to die.
Hook 3: Signs saying:- Where? When? Why? What? Who?
Use the signs to ask the children questions about the crucifixion. In answering the questions the main parts of the story should be covered.
Where did Jesus die? When did Jesus die? Why did Jesus die? What did Jesus die for? Who did Jesus die for?
Hook 4: Signs saying ‘Good Friday’ and ‘Bad Friday’
Explain to the children that you are going to consider why the day upon which Jesus died is called Good Friday and not Bad Friday.
Read out a series of events about the trial and crucifixion of Jesus. After reading out each one the children should decide whether they were good or bad things and stick them beneath each of the main signs.
The events could include:-
- Jesus was hit by the soldiers
- Jesus was made to wear a crown of thorns
- Jesus was found not guilty but sentenced to death
- Jesus was whipped
- A murderer was released instead of Jesus
- Jesus was nailed to a cross
- The thieves on the other crosses mocked Jesus
- They stabbed the heart of Jesus to make sure that he was dead
Finally give some points for the other side
- Jesus died for my sins so that I could be forgiven
- Because of Jesus’s work I can trust in him for eternal life
Conclude by explaining that the last two points are so important that Christians call the day Jesus died Good Friday because tremendously good things were achieved by Jesus.
Story tip
It is important to explain the reason for the crucifixion of Jesus and not to just tell the story. Make sure that you cover the lesson aim!
The reason for Jesus dying on a cross must be explained.
Jesus had to die because of our sin. All people have sinned against God and all people should be punished for their sins. Jesus died to in our place. He took our punishment so that we could be forgiven, so that we could be right with God. If we trust in Jesus and ask for our sins to be forgiven then we can become children of God and receive eternal life.