Acts 9 v 1 – 19
Lesson Aim
To understand how God can change people’s lives
Hook 1: Spotlights and blindfold
If your building has spotlights or other forms of lighting which you can use during the telling of this story then use them to great effect when you reach the part of the story where Saul is blinded. E.g. the lights could flash on and someone could speak through a microphone asking the questions of Saul.
After this blindfold someone with a scarf and lead then to another part of the room where you can sit them under a sign saying ‘Damascus’.
Hook 2: Contrasting words
Display a series of contrasting words and phrases as you tell the story.
Jewish, Christian, sighted, blind, tried to kill Christians, became a Christian, hated Jesus, loved Jesus, afraid of Saul, helped Saul, blind for three days, could see again, Saul, Paul.
Additionally, after telling the story, the children could sort the above words into the correct order to reinforce the story.
Hook 3: Questions
What are the greatest changes that you have ever seen? A caterpillar change into a butterfly? A seed turn into a plant? Ice turn into water or steam? A raw egg turn solid as it is fried? Today’s story is about a person who had a tremendous change in his life when he became a Christian.
Saul’s life completely changed when he became a Christian. In the same way our lives needs to completely change. We need to trust in Jesus and have our sins forgiven. That is how we can become one of God’s children just like Saul.