Acts 17 v 16 – 34
Lesson Aim
To understand that there is only one true god
Hook 1: Drawing
If you are able, draw a simple picture of Mars Hill. Your picture could include the front of the Acropolis, several different altars and an altar to the ‘Unknown god’. To draw a simple picture while telling a story is not an impossible task. It might need practise – a lot of practise – but if you do it with confidence and not apologetically you will find that you have the children’s attention.
Hook 2: Build up a picture
Have the different parts of a picture* drawn and cut out. This way you can get a good artist in the church to draw the composite parts for you beforehand. Get children to glue and stick the parts on to the picture during the story.
* a hill, the Acropolis, two or three trees, path, clouds, altar to the unknown god, other altars/statues
Hook 3: Questions
Can you imagine going to a place where all the cleverest people in the world live and then having to speak to them all? That is what happened to Paul in today’s Bible story.
The people of Athens thought that they were clever but they trusted in many, many gods. The Bible teaches that there is only one God, and we are to trust in God and in God’s Son the Lord Jesus. Not many of those clever people in Athens trusted in Jesus. Do you trust in Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?