Acts 14 v 8 – 20
Lesson Aim
To understand that we should never be frightened of telling others about the Lord Jesus.
Hook 1: Different names
Give each child a different name written on a sticky label, possibly the name of a Roman or Greek god. Explain that in today’s bible story Paul and Silas were given the names of Greek gods.
Hook 2: Wheelchair
Use a wheelchair or crutches to illustrate the first half of the story. Explain that the man in today’s Bible story would have loved the use of a modern wheelchair (or crutches) but Paul caused something even better to happen. Have some gifts or flowers to present just as the people treated Paul and Silas as gods by offering them gifts. Have a large stone ready and pretend to throw it, for the part of the story about Paul’s stoning. A sponge, painted with grey paint could be thrown.
Hook 3: Questions
Have you ever been given a wrong name? Have others been mistaken and taken you for an important person. In our Bible story today Paul and his friend Silas were thought to be gods and the people even treated them like gods.
Paul suffered many things when he told others about the Lord Jesus. In today’s story people even tried to kill him! However, Christians should never be frightened to tell others about how special the Lord Jesus is to them.