Mt 28 v 1 – 10 Mk 16 v 1 – 8 Lk 24 v 1 – 12 Jn 20 v 1 – 18
Lesson Aim
To understand the resurrection story of Jesus
Hook 1: EASTER in large letters and post-it notes
Give each child a post-it note with one of the letters spelling Easter on the top. Instruct the children, with the help of their parents, to brainstorm any words relating to Easter beginning with that letter.
Go through each letter in turn. Ask the children for their feedback and tell the part of the Easter story relating to that particular word. Another leader could display or write up the words which have been shared.
If the words ‘egg’ or ‘rabbit’ come up explain that we can enjoy chocolate eggs and chocolate rabbits as well as remembering the resurrection of Jesus, however to some people chocolate eggs are the only meaning of Easter – How sad!
Hook 2: EASTER acrostic
Highlight the initial letter of six words, so that when they are displayed they form the word Easter.
Possible words are:-
E -Easter, Early morning
A – Angels, Apostles
S – Soldiers, Stone
T – Tomb, Third day
E – Empty, Eggs
R – Ran, Risen, Resurrection
As you tell the Easter story display the word at the appropriate point in the story.
Hook 3: A chocolate egg from The Real Easter Egg range
Open up the egg box and take out the leaflet telling the Easter story. Explain what the idea behind the Real Easter Eggs is (the concept is written on the box). Then get different children to read parts of the leaflet which tells the Easter story. Conclude by sharing the egg.
The reason for the resurrection of Jesus must be explained.
Jesus had to die because of our sin. By coming back to life, Jesus was proving that he was the Son of God. As God’s Son, death could not defeat him. Jesus had completed his work on Calvary, when he died for our punishment, and now he was alive and going to return to heaven to be with his father.