Luke 19 v 1 – 9
Lesson Aim
To understand that everyone can trust in Jesus
Hook 1: Branch, toy man, chocolate money
To illustrate this story use a tree branch and a toy man. A toy man can easily be obtained from any charity shop for a small amount. Dress the man doll with roughly cut fabric and tie it round his waist with string. Sit him in the ‘tree’ at the appropriate point in the story.
Let Zacchaeus give out chocolate coins when he talks of repaying his debts.
Hook 2: PowerPoint
See the link to a PowerPoint quiz
Hook 3: Questions
Who can give me some words to describe a really horrible man?
Have someone write up the words to display them. When you have sufficient cross out any which do not describe Zacchaeus.
Hook 4: Small child
Illustrate how small Zacchaeus was by standing a small child behind yourself or behind another adult. They should be attempting to see another person in the room.
Jesus loved Zacchaeus despite all of his sins and Zacchaeus came to trust in Jesus and become a Christian. Jesus also loves us despite all of our sins. He wants us to trust in him and become Christians.