Luke 9 v 28 – 36
Mark 9 v 2 – 13 Matthew 17 v 1 – 13
Lesson Aim
To understand that Jesus was fully God and fully man
Hook 1: Light bulb
When you reach the point in the story that Jesus is transfigured (he shines), bring out a white light bulb. Explain how it is white but it can change and shine out bright light. Then attach the light bulb to an electric supply and switch it on. Be careful that it does not shine directly into the children’s eyes. You only need to switch it on for a few seconds to illustrate the point.
Hook 2: Two similar garments, one that is white and one that is dazzling white, box of washing powder.
Show the washing powder and discuss its claims to make things dazzling white. The dull white garment can be held up and ask the children whether they believe the washing powder claims. When the second garment is held up discuss with the children whether or not it is dazzling white, so dazzling that it hurt their eyes. Use this as you lead into today’s story where something white did become dazzling.
Hook 3: Questions
Have you ever been blinded by a really strong light? Was it a spotlight ? How did your eyes feel when this happened? In today’s story some of Jesus’ disciples were dazzled by a really strong light.
Story tips:
If you use Hook 1, make sure that the children understand that is wasn’t electricity that Jesus used to be transfigured.
In today’s story Jesus showed his disciples that he was both God and man. When he shined, he was showing that he was God’s Son, then afterwards, he was also a real man. God also spoke to the disciples telling them that God was very pleased with his Son Jesus.