Luke 21 v 1 – 4
Mark 12 v 41 – 44
Lesson Aim
To understand how we should give to God.
Hook 1: Two actors, money, an offering box or basket
Have two of the leaders dress up, one as a rich man (simply give him a hat) and one as a poor widow (a head and shoulder scarf). The rich man should dramatically take out his wallet and from it remove a £20 note with a great flourish. Showing off he places the note in the offering box, making sure that everyone sees it. Then the widow enters, trying not to be seen. She silently removes two 1p coins from her purse, tipping it up to show that there is nothing else left, and places the money in the offering box. Explain that the rich man had plenty of £20 notes to choose from while the widow gave her last two coins. Then tell the children to discuss with their neighbour which person gave the most. After two minutes ask the children for their response.
Hook 2: Questions
How much should we give to God? In today’s story two people gave different amounts, but who gave the most?
Reiterate that the rich man gave from his vast resources while the poor widow gave everything she had, which in reality is far more. Do we give to God small amounts when we could give far more? What God really wants us to give him is our hearts. He wants our love. This is worth far more than anything else which we have.