Mark 3 v 1 – 6
Luke 6 v 6 – 11
Lesson Aim
To understand that people resented Jesus’ power even when he used it for good.
Hook 1: Rubber glove
Decorate a clear rubber glove using permanent marker pens. The type designed for OHP transparencies work well very well. The glove needs to make the hand look scared or deformed.
Either wear the glove yourself or have another person wear it when you tell the story.
Hook 2: Picture of disabled people
Show different pictures of disabled people and ask the children whether they know of people who suffer from a disability. In case you do not get the desired response you might prime one or two of the leaders to answer the question with helpful positive comments.
Hook 3: Question
Did people always think that Jesus did good or helpful things? Can you believe that some people got very angry with Jesus after one of his miracles? See if you can find out why some people were very unhappy with Jesus in today’s story.
Story tips:
Many children from non-Christian homes will have no understanding of the Sabbath or of Sunday being God’s day. Simply explain that it is God’s special day.
Jesus healed the man because he cared about him. Other people were very angry with Jesus when he healed on their special day. They even started to plan how they might get rid of Jesus. They wanted to kill Jesus – when all he had done was help someone.