Luke 17 v 11 – 19
The same hooks can be used for the story of the man with leprosy Matthew 8 v 1 – 4, Mark 1 v 40 – 45 and Luke 5 v 12 – 16
Lesson Aim
To understand that our lives can be changed just like the men with leprosy
Hook 1: Rubber gloves, correcting fluid and a hat
Have ten children come to the front and give each one a clear rubber glove to put on their hands. As you give out the gloves have another leader to help the children put them on. Explain how leprosy turned the skin white and paint part of each glove with correcting fluid;w while doing this you should also have time to explain the other effects of leprosy. Send the children to a ‘priest’ (you can identify this person by giving them a hat with the word priest written on it). The priest should remove the gloves, declare the people clean of leprosy and send them away. Prime one of the children to return to you saying the words “I want to thank God for my healing”.
Hook 2: Questions
Have you ever been really ill and wanted a doctor to heal you? In today’s story a whole group of men came to Jesus because they wanted to be healed.
Do not put correcting fluid straight on to a child’s skin. An adult might allow you to do this to their skin, but this must not happen to a child.
Be careful that the application does not become just a lesson about saying thank you!
Explain how Jesus healed the men of leprosy and in the same way he wants to heal each one of us. Our hearts are sinful and only Jesus can make them right. If we ask him for forgiveness he will clean our hearts and make us right with God. Then we can thank God for our new life through Jesus’ work.