Mark 12 v 1 – 11
Lesson Aim
To understand that Jesus came into the world to die.
Hook 1: Smiley faces
Different smiley faces can be downloaded. Have one for each of the main characters in the story. Place a sign under each ‘face’ which says who the person is e.g. ‘servant’ or ‘son’.
Type into your search engine ‘sad smiley face’ or ‘angry smiley face’ to obtain ones with different facial moods.
Hook 2: Paper plates
Draw different faces onto paper plates and then attach each plate to a garden cane with Sellotape. Illustrate the story by holding up the different character faces. When the son is killed you can repeatedly hit the paper plate onto the floor or onto a table until it is broken.
Hook 3: Questions
Why did Jesus come to earth? Why did God send his Son as a man to live on earth?
Jesus told a story to help us understand why he came to earth.
Jesus told this story to teach us that he had to die. He came to earth to die and he said many times that he would be crucified. Jesus died to take the punishment for our sins. He died so that we could be forgiven. We must trust in Jesus for this forgiveness and tell his how sorry we are for the wrong things which we have done in our lives.