Luke 15 v 8 – 10
Lesson Aim
To understand that God loves those who repent
Hook 1: Lost coin
Have lots of pictures of coins to display as you tell the story (this can also be shown on PowerPoint). Hide one image of a coin somewhere in the room and ask the children to find the picture.
Hook 2: Chocolate money
Show the children nine chocolate coins Then begin telling the story. When you get to the part that the coin is missing, get the children to close their eyes while someone (a child, an adult or yourself) hides a chocolate coin. The rest of the children can then hunt for the chocolate coin.
Alternatively, the coin can be hidden before the story.
Hook 3: Questions
Have you ever lost something which was very special to you? Perhaps it was a present from a relation or an award which you had received. How did you feel when you realised that it was lost? Did your feelings change when it was found? Today’s Bible story is a story that Jesus told about a lost coin, a very special type of coin.
In this story Jesus said that the woman rejoiced and had a party when her coin was found. In the same way God rejoices when lost people are found, when lost people repent and ask for God’s forgiveness for all the wrong things in their lives.