Matthew 13 v 24 – 30
Lesson Aim To understand that God will punish evildoers at the correct time.
Hook 1: Two seed containers, potting compost, packet of mixed seeds
The first container needs to be set off several weeks before this story is told so that the seeds have started to germinate and are visibly growing.
As you tell the story, put some of the potting compost in the seed tray and scatter seeds upon it. Water it and put it to one side. Then have another leader sneak up to the tray and scatter other seed on to the tray (from an envelope with ‘Weeds’ written on the outside. Explain that time goes by and the seeds begin to grow, then bring out the second tray where the seeds have begun to grow. As you explain about the servants wanting to pull up the weeds, remove one or two of the germinated plants to illustrate the problem of removing some plants without disturbing the good plants.
Hook 2: Plant
Purchase a flowering plant from a garden centre or flower shop then empty the plant roots and soil out. Repot the plant with several weeds and give them several days to ‘settle in’. The plant can them be used to illustrate this story.
Hook 3: Questions
Have you ever wondered why God doesn’t stop all evil in the world? Why doesn’t he punish evil people now?
In today’s story Jesus explains why God doesn’t do this but waits until the right time, His time.
Story Tip
If you wish to use Hook 1, cress can be grown in three or four days to an adequate height. You might use a cress and mustard mix so that the mustard plants can represent the weeds.
Jesus told this story to teach us that God will punish evil doers, but he will punish them at the correct time.
God knows when this will happen. At the end of the world when Jesus returns all evil will be punished and those who trust in Jesus will go to heaven where there will be no more evil or suffering.