Luke 1 v 5 – 25
Lesson Aim
To see how God works in the lives of people.
Hook 1: Blu tack or Play-Doh, piece of board, parts of the story written out.
Have some Blu-tack or Play-Doh spread out over a small board. As you reach the part of the story when Zechariah writes down the name of John do the same into the Blu-tack.
Have the second half of the story written on pieces of paper. Pretend that you cannot speak and indicate to different children to come up to read the next parts of the story until John receives his speech back.
Hook 2: Questions
Does anyone know the real meaning of the word ‘dumb’? It does not mean a person who is stupid. What does it mean? Today’s story is about a man who became dumb, he could not speak.
In today’s story Zechariah was used by God to show that his son was going to be a very special person. Sometimes God uses ordinary people in extraordinary ways.