Matthew 26 v 26 – 30
Mark 14 v 22 – 26 Luke 22 v 19 – 20
Lesson Aim: To understand the symbols of bread and wine
Hook 1: Loaf of bread and cup of wine
Tell the story of the Last Supper, when you get to the part where Jesus gave the bread and wine to his disciples, use a loaf of bread and cup of wine as illustrations. When you explain each of the two symbols, tell the children what you will be praying about then eat a piece of bread and quietly pray, thanking God for the broken body of Jesus. Likewise explain what you will be praying about before you drink the wine.
There are lots of illustrations on the internet which can be used to help explain these truths but I personally think that the symbols given by Jesus are the best ones to use.
Hook 2: A set of communion plates and glasses
Have a set of communion plates and glasses. After explaining the symbolism of the bread and wine (see Hook 1) go on to tell the children how Christians today remember the body and blood of Jesus at Communion.
Have a group of four or five Christians sitting in line and serve them the bread and wine, explaining what is happening and what they are remembering.
1. You must obtain the permission of one of the Church leaders before conducting a ‘Communion Service’.
2. You need to be sure that you are giving this talk to a group of children who will respect what is happening.
3. You must ensure that all the people involved are Christians and that they fully understand what is going to happen.
Hook 3: Images
Prepare cards with the words ‘Body of Jesus’ and ‘Blood of Jesus’, others should have pictures of biscuits, a piece of cake, bread, wine, a cup of tea a cup of coffee and a bottle of cola.
Tell the story of the Last Supper. Afterwards explain how Christians today remember what Jesus instructed. Then show each picture of food in turn and ask why Christians do not have biscuits, cake or pie at a Communion Service. What is the symbolism behind the bread? Then do the same with the different drinks. Why do Christians not have each of these drinks but have wine instead.
Conclude with the picture of bread and the words ‘Body of Jesus’ and the picture of wine and the words ‘Blood of Jesus’.
The children need to clearly understand the meaning behind both symbols, the bread and wine.
The reason that Christians today take bread and wine at Communion is because Jesus commanded us to remember his body and blood as we eat the bread and drink the wine.