Genesis 22
Lesson Aim
To understand that we are to love God enough to give him anything he asks of us.
Hook 1: Money
Get your wallet or purse and take out all your money. Ask the question to yourself out loud ‘How much am I prepared to give to God?’ Five pounds? Ten pounds? Twenty pounds? Everything? Put your money and credit cards in an offering box or plate.
Today’s Bible story is about a man who was willing to give up his most treasured possession to God.
Hook 2: Pictures
Have pictures of a house, a car, a plasma TV etc. Ask yourself the question ‘Which would I give up for God?‘ Then pause over each object and ask the question out loud “Would I give this up for God?”
Hook 3: Objects
Have some wood, matches, a knife, some rope and a table. Act out the story with a child. Make sure you ask the child and their parents beforehand and explain what will happen as the story unfolds.
Hook 4: Boy doll
If you do not wish to use a child (see Hook 3) then you can use a boy doll. I purchased one from a charity shop for 30p .The boy doll can be dressed with a piece of material or even a piece of brown paper tied around the waist. Use pieces of string and twigs to illustrate the story. Build an altar out of stones.
Hook 5: Questions
What is the most precious thing that I have ever had to give up? Would I give my last sweet to someone? In 1936 the king in England gave up being king to marry the woman he loved. What would I give up for my mum or dad? What would I give up for God?
God asks us daily to make sacrifices; sometimes big and sometimes small. Are we willing to give up everything to God and be true followers of Jesus?
Sacrifice means a gift to God.