Genesis 11 v 1 – 9
Lesson Aims
To understand why different languages are spoken in the world
Hook 1: Texts
Get a text e.g. John 3:16 written in several different languages. Alternatively have some Bibles available in different languages for the children to look at. Ask if there is anyone who can read them (it is good if you have some people who can read other languages).
Hook 2: Songs and booklets
Learn a song or Bible verse in a different language. Show examples of Christian literature in different languages. Your church might have the same booklet in several languages and the children could guess the language.
Hook 3: Interview
Interview a cross-cultural missionary. Ask them what it is like to learn another language and to live in a place where they have to speak that language. Contact a mission organisation such as Wycliffe Bible Translators or WEC International. These missions focus primarily on Bible translation and might have a representative in your area. Many churches have ex-missionaries in their fellowship.
Hook 4: Questions
Who can speak in a different language? Can you say any words in a different language?
Get as many people as you can that can speak different languages (even at beginner level). Ask the people to say hello in their own language.
Then ask the children if any of them know any words in a different language. Get them to share these.
Tell the story, when you get to the part where God confuses the languages, get each of the people to talk in their languages at the same time.
The people were disobedient, so God punished them by confusing their language. God loves people whatever language they speak. He has instructed people who follow Jesus to go to people of every language to tell them the good news about his son Jesus. Do you know anyone who speaks another language? Can you find out if there is a Bible in their language? Nowadays people from lots of different places in the world have come to our country. It’s our job to tell these people about Jesus too.