1 Samuel 17
Lesson Aim
To understand that God gives victory to those who trust in him.
Hook 1: Armour
Dress David up in King Saul’s oversized armour. The easiest armour to make is simply a large box (in this case a very large one) with holes cut in for the head and arms. A shield and sword can also be made from cardboard and a helmet from another box.
David’s sling can be made from a curved piece of plastic cut from a lemonade bottle. Punch holes in each end and fix a piece of string to each end. Have five small stones even though only one was used.
Hook 2: Fighting Goliath
Use the tallest man you can and stand him on a chair as Goliath. Show what it would have been like to fight him. Give a child and Goliath cardboard swords to fight a battle. Goliath’s sword should be much longer to show how impossible it would have been for a youth to fight Goliath with a sword.
Hook 3: Battle lines
Divide the children into two groups and have them sit on the floor in two lines on opposite sides of the room facing each other as the Philistines and Israelites. Act out the story with an adult as Goliath and a small child as David.
Hook 4: Questions
Have you ever wished that you could beat up a great big bully? Someone who is much bigger than you and much stronger. Someone who is nasty and a good fighter. Does this ever happen?
Let’s hear about this in a true story from the Bible.
David honoured God, and God gave a great victory to David. Many times throughout history God has chosen to give a great victory to his people.