Joshua 7 & 8 v 1 – 29
Lesson Aim
To understand that we must not sin against God.
Hook 1: Chocolate money
At the point of the story when Achan is accused, have chocolate coins hidden beneath a piece of rich fabric. Cover this with a mat and erect a tent structure on top. My church’s Toddler group have a great play tent which I have borrowed for this story to use as Achan’s tent.
Hook 2: Underfloor spaces
Some church buildings have platforms with removable sections for sockets or baptistries. These might be utilised for hiding the coins and cloth underground beneath Achan’s tent.
Hook 3: Pictures
Have pictures (printed or on PowerPoint) of a large fortress (Jericho) and a small fortress (Ai), and a large army and a small army to illustrate the story. Then have one lone soldier to represent Achan. A large black heart can represent Achan’s sin and a white heart for a person who has trusted in Jesus.
Hook 4: Questions
Have you ever stolen something? It could be sweets, money or even a pencil. Sometimes we take something by accident. Other times we take something even when we have been warned not to. (At this point give an example of something small which you have stolen). Today’s Bible story is about a man who stole.
Story Tips:
It should be sufficient to say that Achan was punished and had to die for his sins rather than graphically describing his death.
The whole point of Achan’s story is that God hates sin and sin deserves punishment. That is why we need to trust in Jesus who bore the punishment for our sin when he died at Calvary.