Exodus 17 v 8 – 15
Lesson Aim
To understand that God gives us victory over enemies.
Hook 1: An adult
Have someone to come to the front and hold up their arms. It is better if this person has been prepped beforehand so that they can act as if their arms are quickly aching. Have two children come out to hold up their arms while you tell the story.
Hook 2: Competition
Have two or three children compete to see who can hold up something (a broom) with their arms fully stretched for the longest time.
Hook 3: Banners
If your church has banners get them down and have different children hold them up. Discuss what is on the banners and explain how banners are a means of remembering important things.
At the end of the story you could make a banner out of paper or cloth where every child draws round their hand and arm to remember the victory over the Amalekites.
Hook 4: Questions
What would it have been like to have fought in a battle with a sword and shield? Long before tanks and guns were invented. In our Bible story today the battle was a long, hard fight.
When God’s people have difficulties in life we should talk to God about the difficulties and ask for his help. God gave Moses help in the time of great difficulty and he can help us today.
No Moan and Groan Signs!
You could make a point of bringing out the signs and saying that for the first time these signs are not needed because for once there is no record of the Israelites complaining.