Exodus 2 v 1 – 10
Lesson Aim
To understand that God looks after his people
Hook 1: Props
Retell the story using the following props: basket, baby, doll, blanket, paintbrush and blue cloth (for water)
Hook 2: Different viewpoints
Use three different story tellers telling the story from a variety of viewpoints. As this story is sequential you can have them take their turns telling the story – Father complaining about the difficulty of hiding the baby; Mother making a basket; Miriam being given the responsibility of watching over the baby; the princess finding the baby; Miriam speaking to the princess and Mother reunited with her baby.
Before each person speaks, they need to ‘introduce’ themselves or wear a sign identifying who they are.
Hook 3: Baby
Get a real mum to bring along her baby and a Moses basket. As the mum prepares the basket she can explain why she is hiding the baby and her emotions when trying to prevent her son from being killed. Have a second scene where she is asked to look after the child. She should then express her thanks to God for the miraculous deliverance of her son. A doll could be used instead of a baby.
Hook 4: Questions
Hold up a Moses basket. What do you think is in the basket? Have a series of unusual objects that you wouldn’t expect to find in the basket e.g. a shoe, a necklace, a clock, a tin of soup. Finally, take a baby doll out of the basket saying ‘This is what should be in a baby’s basket.’ Then explain how a basket like this is important in today’s story.
God would rescue his people one day through this special baby. He made sure that the baby was rescued, cared for and protected. God is starting to act out a special plan for his people.