Exodus 3 v 1 – 22
Lesson Aim
To understand that God is holy
Hook 1: Fire
Make a fire. Light a piece of paper in a metal container (waste paper bin) and watch the paper being consumed as it burns up. Compare this to the bush in the story not being consumed.
Warning: don’t let the children near the flames, have a fire extinguisher nearby and get permission from whoever is in charge of the building.
Hook 2: Picture
Have a picture of a bush and the children either paint on flames, or stick on ready cut out flames. Have the words I AM printed ready to be held up.
Hook 3: Branches
Have the branches of a real tree to represent the bush. Push into the branches strips of red, orange and purple crepe paper to represent flames. The storyteller should also remove their shoes and socks at the appropriate point in the story.
Hook 4: Questions
Can you think of a very, very special place? A place so special that people are not allowed to go there. God once spoke to Moses at a very special, holy place let’s find out about it in today’s Bible story.
The holiness of God is awesome. Moses had to take off his shoes as a sign of respect. We also need to approach God with respect.