2 Kings 2 v 1 – 18
Lesson Aim
To understand that God is in control of life and death.
Hook 1: Large picture
Have you ever seen a horse pulling a carriage? (You could share a picture of yourself in a horse drawn carriage if you have one, or one of the Queen).
Have a large picture of a chariot pulled by horses. Have the children stick small bits of red, orange and yellow crepe paper onto the chariot to represent the fire.
Hook 2: Cloak
Have you ever seen someone wear a cloak? Compare a cloak to a coat. Who else wears a cloak or a cape? (The children will probably refer to Batman and Superman).
Use a cloak to illustrate the story as you tell it. (This can be easily made from an old curtain or piece of material)
Hook 3: Pictures
What do Christians believe will happen when they die?
Have some pictures of a grave, coffin, undertaker etc. Discuss what happens at a funeral. Then compare this to Elijah. Share why the people couldn’t find him.
Hook 4: Questions
Have you ever had to say goodbye to someone who you might never see again? Perhaps it was someone who lives far away. Perhaps it was someone who was going to live in another country. Let’s find out in today’s Bible story what happened to Elijah.
When we are trusting in Jesus we don’t need to be scared of what happens after we die.