2 Kings 5 v 1 – 27
Lesson Aim
To understand that God has power to heal.
Hook 1: Spots
Stick white spots on someone (small sticky labels). Get them to pretend to be horrified at their disease. Talk about the effect of leprosy.
Hook 2: Props
Tell the story using some or all of the following props; sword and armour, crown, letter, fancy clothes, two pieces of silver (chocolate money), white spots, numbers 1 – 7 showing the number of times he dipped in the Jordan. A piece of blue fabric could be used to represent the river (if you have a baptistry you could use it to imitate the river).
Hook 3: Junk mail
Show a pile of junk mail and sort through it. As you do, find an important letter in the middle, show the letter and open it. It says that you expect them to heal someone (give them a name which they will recognise) of leprosy. This tells the story from the perspective of the king of Israel. Then have Naaman stand before you to tell his story.
Hook 4: Letter
Show a letter from an MP, Prime Minister or Queen. Explain why is special then go on to explain that your story today has an important letter from a king.
Hook 5: Questions
Have you ever received a really important letter? What does it feel like when you are opening it? In today’s story there is an important letter written from one king to another king.
When Naaman obeyed God he was healed. We must also trust in God and obey him.