1 Kings 17 v 7 – 16
Lesson Aim
To understand how a woman gave everything she had to God.
Hook 1: A small bread roll
Have you ever seen anyone make bread? What do you need?
Have a jar containing a handful of flour, some oil, a few sticks and bread. Demonstrate how to make dough by mixing oil to the flour. Explain that this was how the people who lived in Elijah’s time would make bread. Mix the dough whilst telling the story. Pretend to make a fire with the sticks to cook the bread. The resulting bread would probably be like pitta bread, which can be produced at the end.
Hook 2: Testimony
What would you do if you had no money left, and there was no food in the cupboards?
Ask someone that you know to share a time where God has provided for them in a miraculous way when they had nothing to provide for themselves. Make sure that the person knows that they only have two minutes!
Hook 3: Acting
You and another person need to dress up. One of you is Elijah and the other person the widow. Both of you tell the story from your point of view.
Hook 4: Questions
Who would you give your last sweet to? (Remember the advert Who would you give you last Rolo to?) Have a last sweet and pretend to offer it to different people. Would you give it to you Mum, your best friend, me, or a total stranger?
I wonder what happens in our Bible story today when someone is ask to give up their last items of food?
The woman had faith to give the very last of her food to Elijah. God still provides for people today. We should remember to thank him for all the things we receive from God.