Job 1 v 1 – 5, 15 – 22, 42 v 10 – 13
Lesson Aim
To understand that followers of God will experience good times and bad times.
Hook 1: Pictures
Have a series of folded A4 pieces of paper. As you tell the story display the front of each piece of paper. When you get to the disasters invite children to open up the middle of the paper and read out what happened to the different types of animals and his children. When you get to Job’s restoration, invite other children to turn the pieces of paper round and display them. Finally read out Job’s words about suffering from Job 1 v 21.
The front and back of the pieces of card should also have a picture of a sheep, camel etc.
Front Middle Rear
Job picture of skin with sores Job 1 v 21 printed out
7000 Sheep lightning killed them 14000 Sheep
3000 Camels killed 6000 Camels
1000 Cows stolen 2000 Cows
500 Donkeys stolen 1000 Donkeys
7 Sons a wind blew down the 7 Sons
3 Daughters house and killed them 3 Daughters
Hook 2: Messengers
Have four different people running in with the news about the different disasters that befell Job.
No 1 The Sabeans killed your servants and took your cows and donkeys
No 2 Fire burned up your sheep
No 3 The Chaldeans took your camels
No 4 Wind destroyed your son’s house and killed all of your children.
Hook 3: Bible verses
When talking about Job’s physical sufferings it is good to have one of two Bible verses written out, either Job 1 v 21b or Job 19 v 25
Hook 4: Questions
What is the worst news that you have ever heard? Was it news of a disaster? Was it news that your Mum or Dad were in hospital after an accident. Was it that someone you knew had died? Today’s Bible story begins with lots of bad news.
Explain that whatever happens to us in life, our faith in God should remain. We should learn from the example of Job to keep our faith in God whatever we suffer or lose, in good times and bad times.